S Chand Publishing 结束了 Knowledge Quest Quiz 的第 2 季,来自斋浦尔的获胜者将获得礼券。 S Chand Publishing concludes Season 2 of Knowledge Quest Quiz, with winners from Jaipur taking home vouchers.
S Chand Publishing 结束了其 Knowledge Quest Quiz 的第 2 季,这是一项吸引印度学生的全国性竞赛。 S Chand Publishing wrapped up Season 2 of its Knowledge Quest Quiz, a nationwide competition that engaged students across India. 在德里公立学校举行的决赛中,有9个队与斋浦尔剑桥法院高中的Atharv Gautatam和Medhansh Vaddadi竞争,每一队赢得了10,000份亚马逊河流域IRR奖券。 The finale, held at Delhi Public School, saw nine teams compete, with Atharv Gauttam and Medhansh Vaddadi from Cambridge Court High School, Jaipur, winning INR 10,000 Amazon vouchers each. 测验的目的是促进学生的学习、批判性思维和负责任的公民意识。 The quiz aims to foster learning, critical thinking, and responsible citizenship among students.