Robert Haxby被指控在朋友的帮助下 将妻子的尸体藏在冰箱里9年 Robert Haxby is accused of hiding his wife's body in a freezer for nine years, with help from a friend.
尸体解剖报告显示,一名丈夫Robert Haxby据称强迫他的朋友将妻子的尸体藏在一个冷冻室里9年,在他们的联合花园家中。 An autopsy report reveals a husband, Robert Haxby, allegedly forced his friend to help hide his wife's body in a freezer for nine years at their Allied Gardens home. 玛格丽特·哈克斯比-琼斯的尸体于去年12月在哈克斯比中风后被发现。 The body of Margaret Haxby-Jones was found last December after Haxby suffered a stroke. 当局怀疑他藏匿她的尸体以继续领取她的福利,但没有足够的证据起诉她。 Authorities suspected he hid her body to continue receiving her benefits but lacked sufficient evidence for prosecution. 该案目前不审理,等待新的资料。 The case is now inactive, awaiting new information.