卡尔加里大学对亲巴勒斯坦抗议的处理达到了危机管理标准。 Review finds University of Calgary's handling of pro-Palestinian protest met crisis management standards.
一家咨询公司的审查发现,卡尔加里大学在5月处理了一次亲巴勒斯坦的抗议活动,采取了有节制和知情的反应,坚持了危机管理最佳做法。 A consulting firm's review found that the University of Calgary handled a pro-Palestinian protest in May with a measured and informed response, adhering to crisis management best practices. 学校危机处理小组故意决定执行非法侵入通知,导致营地拆除并逮捕5人。 The school's Crisis Management Team made a deliberate decision to enforce a trespass notice, leading to the encampment's dismantling and five arrests. 审查虽然赞扬其准备就绪,但也提出了改进建议,如更好地与利益攸关方接触,加强危机培训。 While praised for its preparedness, the review also suggested improvements, such as better engagement with stakeholders and enhanced crisis training.