共和党立法者提议埃隆·穆斯克担任众议院议长,尽管他因公民身份而无资格参选。 Republican lawmakers propose Elon Musk as House Speaker, despite his ineligibility due to citizenship.
一些共和党立法者,包括参议员Rand Paul、参议员Mike Lee和众议员Marjorie Taylor Greene提议让Elon Musk担任下一届众议院议长。 Some Republican lawmakers, including Senators Rand Paul and Mike Lee and Representative Marjorie Taylor Greene, have proposed that Elon Musk become the next Speaker of the House. 这一建议是在批评现任议长麦克·约翰逊(Mike Johnson)关于一项有争议的支出法案时提出的。 This suggestion comes amid criticism of the current Speaker, Mike Johnson, over a controversial spending bill. 生于南非的Musk因不是自然出生的美国公民而无资格担任此职。 Musk, who was born in South Africa, is ineligible for the role due to not being a natural-born U.S. citizen. 尽管如此, 支持者认为Musk的影响力可以提高政府效率, 扰乱政治体制。 Despite this, supporters argue that Musk's influence could bring about government efficiency and disrupt the political establishment. 该提案受到好坏参半的反应,民主党人反对该提案,认为这是不民主的。 The proposal has received mixed reactions, with Democrats opposing it as undemocratic.