四肢截肢者Cor Hutton接受肾移植 感谢器官捐赠救了她的命 Quadruple amputee Cor Hutton receives kidney transplant, thanking organ donation for saving her life.
接受双手移植手术的54岁四肢截肢者Cor Hutton在从捐赠者那里得到新肾脏后表示感激。 Cor Hutton, a 54-year-old quadruple amputee who received a double hand transplant, has expressed gratitude after getting a new kidney from a donor. Hutton,谁建立了 寻找你的脚被截肢者慈善, 信用器官捐赠 拯救她的生命。 Hutton, who established the Finding Your Feet amputee charity, credits organ donation for saving her life. 她敦促人们与家人讨论他们的器官捐赠愿望。 She urges people to discuss their organ donation wishes with their families.