North Charleston警方调查一名34岁男子在厨房附近遭枪击身亡案。 Police in North Charleston investigate a shooting death of a 34-year-old man found shot near a kitchen.
北查尔斯顿警方正在调查一宗凶杀案 涉及一名34岁男子 周三深夜在南艾伦大道的一家家中 多次中枪 Police in North Charleston are investigating a homicide case involving a 34-year-old man found shot multiple times in a home on South Allen Drive late Wednesday night. 警官在厨房附近发现了受害者,附近有弹壳。 Officers discovered the victim near the kitchen with shell casings nearby. Charleston县验尸官办公室尚未公布受害者的身份。 The Charleston County Coroner's Office has not yet released the victim's identity. 没有逮捕任何人,当局正在寻求公众提供信息。 No arrests have been made, and authorities are seeking information from the public.