哈特拉斯角Buxton海滩的部分地区在清理后重新开放,但由于污染问题,部分海滩仍然关闭。 Part of Buxton Beach in Cape Hatteras reopens after cleanup, but a section remains closed due to contamination concerns.
在陆军工兵部队清理受污染的土壤和水后,哈塔斯角国家海岸沿岸的Buxton海滩的0.2英里部分重新开放。 A 0.2-mile section of Buxton Beach in Cape Hatteras National Seashore has reopened after the Army Corps of Engineers cleaned up contaminated soil and water. 由于持续存在的关切,一个0.3英里的区段仍然关闭。 A 0.3-mile section remains closed due to ongoing concerns. 官员建议访客使用附近一个有生命保护的停车场,直到承包商的设备在星期五之前搬走。 Officials advise visitors to use a nearby lifeguarded parking lot until contractor equipment is removed by Friday. 达雷县官员正推动全面清理和修复前海军场址。 Dare County officials are pushing for full cleanup and restoration of the former Naval site.