Novo Nordisk的新肥胖药CagriSema在一次重大试验中略微错过了体重下降目标。 Novo Nordisk's new obesity drug, CagriSema, slightly missed its weight loss target in a major trial.
Novo Nordisk的新肥胖药CagriSema在一次重大试验中错过了体重下降目标, Novo Nordisk's new obesity drug, CagriSema, missed its weight loss target in a major trial, achieving a 22.7% reduction instead of the hoped-for 25%. 审判涉及68周的3 400名参与者。 The trial involved 3,400 participants over 68 weeks. 虽然药效优于安慰剂,并表现出良好的安全性能,但结果低于预期,影响到诺沃·诺迪斯克在肥胖症治疗市场上与Eli Lilly等竞争对手的竞争地位。 While the drug outperformed a placebo and showed a good safety profile, the results fall short of expectations, impacting Novo Nordisk's competitive position against rivals like Eli Lilly in the obesity treatment market.