新西兰的T Mai Taonga项目获得2.6M元清除入侵物种,目的是实现生物多样性和无掠食动物的目标。 New Zealand's Tū Mai Taonga project gets $2.6M to remove invasive species, aiming for biodiversity and predator-free goals.
关于大堡岛的T Mai Taonga项目已收到260万美元的赠款,用于清除侵入性鼠类和野猫,目的是恢复生物多样性,支持新西兰到2050年实现无掠食动物的目标。 The Tū Mai Taonga project on Great Barrier Island has received a $2.6 million grant to remove invasive rodents and feral cats, aiming to restore biodiversity and support New Zealand's goal of being predator-free by 2050. 该倡议由毛利恩加蒂Rehua-Ngātiwai ki Aotea牵头,还侧重于维护当地文化、语言和经济可持续性,同时提供就业和培训机会。 Led by the Māori Ngāti Rehua-Ngātiwai ki Aotea, the initiative also focuses on preserving local culture, language, and economic sustainability, while providing job and training opportunities.