Netflix赢得了美国在2027年和2031年播放国际足联妇女世界杯的独家权利。 Netflix gains exclusive U.S. rights to broadcast the FIFA Women's World Cup in 2027 and 2031.
Netflix确保了美国在2027年和2031年广播国际足联妇女世界杯的专属权利,标志着体育媒体权利发生重大转变。 Netflix has secured exclusive U.S. rights to broadcast the FIFA Women's World Cup in 2027 and 2031, marking a significant shift in sports media rights. 协议包括现场报道和排他性纪录片系列,以促成锦标赛,旨在促进妇女足球。 The agreement includes live coverage and exclusive documentary series leading up to the tournaments, aiming to promote women's football. 国际足联的这一举动标志着向流动平台的战略转变,以增加妇女体育运动的形象和收入。 This move by FIFA signals a strategic shift towards streaming platforms to increase the profile and revenue for women's sports.