一名男子在Quincy附近与一辆被盗的县拖拉机一起被捕,并面临盗窃指控。 A man was arrested near Quincy with a stolen county tractor and faced theft charges.
一名47岁的男子,Jesus Salcedo Alvarez,来自肥皂湖,在Quincy附近被捕,当时他与一辆被盗的格兰特县公共工程拖拉机一起被发现。 A 47-year-old man, Jesus Salcedo Alvarez, from Soap Lake was arrested near Quincy after being found with a stolen Grant County Public Works tractor. Alvarez声称,他正在寻找工作所需的重型设备,并出示了保险卡,但官员证实,他没有获得使用拖拉机的许可。 Alvarez claimed he was looking for heavy equipment for his job and showed an insurance card, but officials confirmed he lacked permission to use the tractor. 他被发现带着其他重型设备的钥匙,并面临指控,包括企图盗窃和拥有盗窃工具。 He was found with keys to other heavy equipment and is facing charges including attempted theft and possession of theft tools. 调查仍在进行中。 The investigation is ongoing.