Kelowna购买了经过长期法律斗争后被省没收的前Hells Angels俱乐部。 Kelowna buys former Hells Angels clubhouse seized by province after long legal battle.
Kelowana市购买了一座前地狱天使俱乐部,在经过12年的法律斗争后被省政府没收。 The City of Kelowna has purchased a former Hells Angels clubhouse, seized by the provincial government after a 12-year legal battle. 该财产价值125万美元,是根据该省的《民事没收法》查封的三个俱乐部之一,推翻了先前一项没有发现犯罪活动证据的裁决。 The property, valued at $1.25 million, was one of three clubhouses seized under the province’s Civil Forfeiture Act, overturning a previous ruling that found no evidence of criminal activity. 该出售包括一项条款,允许该省收回财产,如果该财产再次用于有组织犯罪。 The sale includes a clause allowing the province to reclaim the property if it's used for organized crime again. 该市计划确定土地的未来用途。 The city plans to determine the future use of the land.