印度国会因支持独立候选人参加马哈拉施特拉邦选举而暂停八名成员的职务。 Indian Congress suspends eight members for supporting an independent candidate in Maharashtra elections.
印度国民议会因支持独立候选人在马哈拉施特拉邦议会选举中只赢得288个席位中的16个席位,在塔内暂停了8名印度国民议会成员的职务。 The Indian National Congress has suspended eight of its members in Thane for supporting an independent candidate during the Maharashtra assembly elections, in which the party won only 16 of 288 seats. 曾担任马哈拉施特拉邦国会OBC分支部副主席的苏雷什·帕蒂尔·克德因独立参选而被驱逐了6年. Suresh Patil-Khede, a former vice president of the Maharashtra Pradesh Congress OBC Cell, was expelled for six years for contesting as an independent. 这些行动旨在加强党派的纪律和忠诚。 These actions aim to reinforce party discipline and loyalty.