Erique Harris因袭击一名囚犯造成重伤而获加2至10年监禁。 Erique Harris receives extra 2 to 10 years for attacking an inmate, causing severe injuries.
Erique Harris,32岁,在Olive山改造综合体的囚犯,因用风扇发动机和锯子袭击另一名囚犯,被判处2至10年监禁。 Erique Harris, a 32-year-old inmate at Mount Olive Correctional Complex, has been sentenced to an additional 2 to 10 years for assaulting another inmate with a fan motor and a shank. 这次袭击在视频中拍摄,造成受害人内出血和肺崩塌。 The attack, caught on video, caused the victim internal bleeding and a collapsed lung. Harris认罪 已经在Kanawha县因性攻击而服满25至60年刑期 Harris pleaded guilty and is already serving 25 to 60 years for sexual assault in Kanawha County. 他的新刑期将接连执行。 His new sentence will be served consecutively.