Donald Trump把他的40亿美元的媒体公司股份转给了一家信托机构,他儿子是受托人。 Donald Trump transfers his $4 billion media company shares to a trust, with his son as trustee.
根据证交会的文件,当选总统唐纳德·特朗普将其在特朗普媒体和技术集团公司(TMTG)的全部114 750 000股股份转给了可撤销的信托公司,而根据证交会的文件,他是该信托公司的唯一受益人。 President-elect Donald Trump has transferred his entire 114,750,000 shares in Trump Media & Technology Group Corp (TMTG) to a revocable trust, of which he is the sole beneficiary, according to SEC filings. 这些股票价值超过40亿美元,现在由特朗普通过信托间接拥有。 The shares, valued at over $4 billion, are now indirectly owned by Trump through the trust. 他的儿子Donald Trump Jr. 担任对证券拥有完全控制权的唯一受托人。 His son, Donald Trump Jr., serves as the sole trustee with full control over the securities. 此举反映了特朗普在首届就职典礼前和2016年竞选期间将资产转移到同一信托机构的做法。 This move mirrors Trump's previous asset transfers to the same trust before his first inauguration and during his 2016 campaign.