自2019年以来,Cryptopia的清算人员向超过10,000名用户返还了超过4亿新西兰元的加密货币. Cryptopia's liquidators returned over $400M NZD in crypto to over 10,000 users since 2019.
设在新西兰的加密货币兑换密码清算人已将Bitcoin和Dogecoin的4亿多新西兰马克归还给1万多名经核实的账户持有人。 Liquidators of the New Zealand-based cryptocurrency exchange Cryptopia have returned over $400 million NZD in Bitcoin and Dogecoin to more than 10,000 verified account holders. 这是继2019年黑客入侵后 交易所崩溃之后发生的 This follows the exchange's collapse in 2019 after a hack. 自2019年启动索赔门户以来,管理清算工作的Grant Thornton一直在努力查明用户和返还资产。 Grant Thornton, managing the liquidation, has been working on identifying users and returning assets since the launch of the claims portal in 2019. 计划在新年向新核实的用户进一步分发,并鼓励所有剩余账户持有人在索偿门户登记。 Further distributions for newly verified users are planned for the New Year, and all remaining account holders are encouraged to register on the claims portal.