加密货币黑客在2024年达到22亿美元, 北朝鲜的参与者偷走13亿美元。 Cryptocurrency hacks hit $2.2 billion in 2024, with North Korean actors stealing $1.3 billion.
加密货币黑客在2024年猛增,在303起事件中损失了22亿美元,比2023年增加了21%。 Cryptocurrency hacks surged in 2024, with $2.2 billion lost across 303 incidents, up 21% from 2023. 北朝鲜黑客对61%的被盗资金负责,共计13亿美元。 North Korean hackers were responsible for 61% of stolen funds, totaling $1.3 billion. 袭击频率上升,但在下半年放缓,可能是由于地缘政治因素。 The frequency of attacks rose but slowed in the second half of the year, possibly due to geopolitical factors. 中央中央加密平台是主要目标,私人钥匙妥协是主要的盗窃方法。 Centralized crypto platforms were the main targets, with private key compromises being the primary method of theft.