中国在2024年排名前十位, 反映出年轻人的压力、爱好和技术趋势。 China reveals top 10 buzzwords of 2024, reflecting youth stress, hobbies, and tech trends.
2024年,中国国家语言资源监测和研究中心确定了反映年轻一代生活方式和优先事项的十大字词。 In 2024, China's National Language Resources Monitoring and Research Center identified the top 10 buzzwords reflecting the lifestyles and priorities of the younger generation. “工作场所的氛围”和“硬控制”等术语凸显了年轻专业人员的疲惫和热情,而“青年夜校”则提供夜校文化和教育活动。 Terms like "workplace vibe" and "hard control" highlight the exhaustion and enthusiasm of young professionals, while "youth night schools" offer evening cultural and educational activities. 该清单还包括与碳中和、量子计算和综合风力发电项目有关的传声词,这些词来自各种媒体来源的10亿多中国字元。 The list also includes buzzwords related to carbon neutrality, quantum computing, and integrated wind power projects, compiled from over 1 billion Chinese characters from various media sources.