孟买高等法院支持Adani集团在孟买Dharavi贫民窟重建项目中获胜。 Bombay High Court upholds Adani Group's win of Mumbai's Dharavi slum redevelopment project.
孟买高等法院驳回了迪拜Seclink Technologies Corporation的请愿, 质疑将孟买Dharavi贫民窟重建项目授予Adani集团。 The Bombay High Court has dismissed a petition by Dubai-based Seclink Technologies Corporation challenging the awarding of the Dharavi slum redevelopment project in Mumbai to the Adani Group. 法院维持了马哈拉施特拉邦政府授予Adani Property Private Limited的投标。 The court upheld the tender awarded to Adani Properties Private Limited by the Maharashtra government. Seclink 在 2018 年赢得了之前的招标,但政府取消了它并在 2022 年发布了新的招标,阿达尼以 506.9 亿卢比的出价中标。 Seclink had won a previous tender in 2018, but the government canceled it and issued a new one in 2022, which Adani won with a bid of Rs 5,069 crore. 该项目旨在将亚洲最大的贫民窟之一达拉维转变为现代城市枢纽。 The project aims to transform Dharavi, one of Asia's largest slums, into a modern city hub.