拜登政府宣布为公共服务工作者减免学生贷款4.28B美元,共计180B美元。 Biden administration announces $4.28B student loan relief for public service workers, totaling $180B.
拜登政府宣布为55 000名公务员减免学生贷款42.8亿美元,使近500万美国人的减免总额达到1 800亿美元。 The Biden administration has announced $4.28 billion in student loan relief for 55,000 public service workers, bringing total relief to $180 billion for nearly 5 million Americans. 最后一轮公共服务贷款豁免方案旨在帮助因学生贷款而面临财政挑战的教师、护士和其他公务员。 This final round of the Public Service Loan Forgiveness program aims to help teachers, nurses, and other public servants who have faced financial challenges due to student loans. 该方案在为期10年的合格付款后免除贷款,已加以改进,以解决以往导致高拒绝率的问题。 The program, which forgives loans after 10 years of qualifying payments, has been improved to address previous issues that led to high rejection rates.