亚历山德里亚市高中在学生与受伤员工和学生打架后取消12月19日至20日的班级。 Alexandria City High School cancels classes Dec. 19-20 after student fights injured staff, students.
亚历山德里亚市高中在学生争吵造成员工和学生受伤后, 取消12月19日和20日的面对面课程。 Alexandria City High School has canceled in-person classes for December 19 and 20 after student altercations resulted in injuries to staff and students. 学校在12月18日设置了“保留地位”, 学生现在将参加非同步的在线课程。 The school placed a "hold status" on December 18, and students will now participate in asynchronous online classes. 警监Melanie Kay-Wyatt博士强调,必须将安全列为优先事项,目前正在为2025年1月6日学校复课时制定更严格的措施和对破坏性行为的严重后果的计划。 Superintendent Dr. Melanie Kay-Wyatt emphasized the need to prioritize safety, and plans for stricter measures and severe consequences for disruptive behavior are being developed for when school resumes on January 6, 2025.