美国空军部长弗兰克·肯德尔对马斯克对F-35的批评提出了质疑,强调无人机的优势仍需要多年实现. Air Force Secretary Frank Kendall challenges Elon Musk's criticism of the F-35,强调无人机的优势仍需多年实现.
空军国务卿弗兰克·肯德尔建议埃隆·穆斯克在批评Musk称之为过时的F-35喷气式战斗机之前,更好地理解航空航天战。 Air Force Secretary Frank Kendall has advised Elon Musk to better understand aerospace warfare before criticizing the F-35 fighter jet, which Musk calls obsolete. 肯德尔认为无人机优势已经多年了,并强调F-35号机等机组战斗人员的持续重要性,F-35号机将与称为协作作战飞机的新型自主无人机同时使用。 Kendall believes drone superiority is years away and emphasizes the ongoing importance of crewed fighters like the F-35, which will be used alongside new autonomous drones called collaborative combat aircraft. 现在,Musk是旨在减少联邦开支的一个新部门的共同负责人。 Musk is now cohead of a new Department aimed at reducing federal expenses.