Tilda Swinton女演员将在2025年柏林电影节获得终身成就奖。 Actress Tilda Swinton to receive lifetime achievement award at 2025 Berlin Film Festival.
著名女演员蒂尔达·斯温顿 (Tilda Swinton) 在2025年2月13日举行的第75届柏林电影节上将获得荣誉金熊奖. Tilda Swinton, a celebrated actress known for films like "Orlando" and "Michael Clayton," will receive an Honorary Golden Bear for lifetime achievement at the 75th Berlin Film Festival on February 13, 2025. Swinton是该节日的著名人物,以26部电影为主演,并于2009年担任国际陪审团主席。 Swinton has been a prominent figure at the festival, starring in 26 films and serving as the International Jury president in 2009. 该奖项承认她对电影业的重大影响力。 The award recognizes her significant impact on cinema.