Yung Filly面临性攻击指控,对在珀斯驾车超过96英里的鲁莽行为认罪。 Yung Filly, facing sexual assault charges, pleads guilty to reckless driving over 96 mph in Perth.
Yung Filly 是一位英国 YouTuber 和说唱歌手,本名是 Andres Felipe Valencia Barrientos,他承认在澳大利亚珀斯鲁莽驾驶,同时因性侵犯指控被保释。 Yung Filly, a British YouTuber and rapper whose real name is Andres Felipe Valencia Barrientos, admitted to reckless driving in Perth, Australia, while on bail for sexual assault charges. 他认罪,在高速公路上驾驶超过96英里的汽车。 He pleaded guilty to driving over 96 mph on a highway. Yung Filly正面临对20多岁的一名妇女进行性攻击和性攻击的指控。 Yung Filly is facing charges of sexual assault and assault against a woman in her 20s. 他的下一个法庭日期是1月30日。 His next court date is January 30.