六名纽约人因偷窃45 000磅用厨油作为生物柴油出售而被起诉。 Six New Yorkers indicted for stealing 45,000 pounds of used cooking oil to sell as biodiesel.
六人,包括来自纽约市的三人和来自纽约皮茨福德的三人,因盗窃Monroe县餐馆的食用食用油作为生物柴油出售而被起诉。 Six individuals, including three from New York City and three from Pittsford, New York, have been indicted for stealing used cooking oil from Monroe County restaurants to sell as biodiesel. 据称,该组于2022年4月盗窃了45 000多磅石油,并将其运到宾夕法尼亚州的一家炼油厂。 The group allegedly stole over 45,000 pounds of oil in April 2022 and transported it to a refinery in Pennsylvania. 嫌疑人被指控共谋运输和出售被盗物品,可能被判处5至10年监禁。 The suspects face charges of conspiracy to transport and sell stolen goods, with potential sentences ranging from five to ten years in prison.