一名性罪犯试图以假身份在高中注册,但被举报和逮捕。 A sex offender attempted to enroll in high school under a false identity but was reported and arrested.
一名27岁注册的性罪犯假扮15岁女孩,企图在俄勒冈奥尔巴尼的一所高中注册。 A 27-year-old registered sex offender attempted to enroll in a high school in Albany, Oregon, by posing as a 15-year-old girl. 她提供了虚假信息,包括假姓名和出生日期,但家庭和社区雇员共同报告了这一情况。 She provided false information, including a fake name and date of birth, but was reported by employees of Families and Communities Together (F.A.C.T). 该嫌疑人因计算机犯罪和伪造等罪名被捕。 The suspect was arrested on charges including computer crimes and forgery. 奥尔巴尼警察局感谢F.A.C.T.和学校行政人员在查明和报告可疑活动方面的合作。 The Albany Police Department acknowledged the cooperation of F.A.C.T and school administrators in identifying and reporting the suspicious activity.