巴基斯坦调查了21个经济区,以促进投资和推广绿色做法。 Pakistan surveys 21 economic zones to boost investment and promote green practices.
巴基斯坦利用无人驾驶飞机和航空技术完成了对其21个特别经济区(SEZs)的调查。 Pakistan has completed a survey of its 21 Special Economic Zones (SEZs) using drones and aerial technology. 调查旨在吸引更多的投资,促进工业发展,重点是150项改革,包括“绿色巴基斯坦”倡议下的环境友好做法。 The survey aims to attract more investment and enhance industrial development by focusing on 150 reforms, including environmentally friendly practices under the "Green Pakistan" initiative. 政府亦计划成立「巴基斯坦骄傲」团体, 改善SEZ的连通和安全, The government also plans to boost foreign investment by forming a group called "Pride of Pakistan" and improving connectivity and security in SEZs.