Osun州州长承诺进行采矿改革,以澄清作用并确保公平做法,而不是迫害。 Osun State Governor pledges mining reforms to clarify roles and ensure fair practices, not a witch-hunt.
Osun州州长Ademola Adeleke向利益攸关方保证,他的政府的采矿改革不是对女巫的追捕,而是旨在澄清州和联邦的作用并确保公平做法。 Osun State Governor Ademola Adeleke assures stakeholders that his administration's mining reforms are not a witch-hunt but aim to clarify state and federal roles and ensure fair practices. 采取的步骤包括重新确认采矿许可证和收回Segilola采矿项目中的国家股份。 Steps taken include revalidating mining licenses and recovering state shares in the Segilola mining project. Adeleke强调支持商业的立场,同时确保国家及其人民从采矿活动中获得其应得的份额。 Adeleke emphasized a pro-business stance while ensuring the state and its people receive their rightful share from mining activities.