俄亥俄州立大学的 Jayden Ballard 转会到威斯康星州,提高了他们的外接手深度。 Ohio State's Jayden Ballard transfers to Wisconsin, boosting their wide receiver depth.
前俄亥俄州立大学外接手杰登·巴拉德 (Jayden Ballard) 将转学到威斯康星大学 (University of Wisconsin),为他们的外接手位置带来深度。 Former Ohio State wide receiver Jayden Ballard is transferring to the University of Wisconsin, bringing depth to their wide receiver position. Ballard是一名四星级新兵,在俄亥俄州打球时间有限,预计将对Badgers产生重大影响。 Ballard, a four-star recruit who had limited playing time at Ohio State, is expected to provide a significant impact for the Badgers. 同时,威斯康辛州正在考虑通过Idaho转移的Mark Hamper的正式访问提供额外帮助,进一步加强他们的接收队伍。 Meanwhile, Wisconsin is considering additional help with an official visit from Idaho transfer Mark Hamper, further strengthening their receiving corps.