新西兰商业委员会开始调查一些纤维和铜服务放松管制的问题。 New Zealand's Commerce Commission begins investigating the deregulation of several fiber and copper services.
新西兰商业委员会将调查取消对7种纤维服务中的4种的管制,包括语音和运输服务,以及在不由Chorus管理的地区提供点对点和合用同一地点的服务。 New Zealand's Commerce Commission will investigate deregulating four out of seven fiber services, including voice and transport services, and point-to-point and co-location services in areas not managed by Chorus. 这标志着两步审查的第一阶段,以确保有足够的竞争来保护消费者。 This marks the first stage in a two-step review to ensure enough competition exists to protect consumers. 委员会还计划审查对农村地区铜服务和移动服务放松管制的情况。 The Commission also plans to review the deregulation of copper services in rural areas and mobile services.