NBC附属公司关于圣佩德罗局势发展情况的全国报告,细节待定。 NBC affiliates nationwide report on a developing situation in San Pedro, details pending.
多个 NBC 附属机构正在报道圣佩德罗的发展情况,尽管提供的标签中没有具体说明该事件的细节。 Multiple NBC affiliates are reporting on a developing situation in San Pedro, though details of the event are not specified in the tags provided. 标签显示南佛罗里达州、达拉斯-沃斯堡、纽约和康涅狄格州NBC台站的覆盖面,表明这一事件可能涉及重大国家利益。 The tags indicate coverage from NBC stations in South Florida, Dallas-Fort Worth, New York, and Connecticut, suggesting the incident may have significant national interest.