大都会温哥华的人口预测到2045年将跃升到400万,比先前的估计数高出九年。 Metro Vancouver's population forecast jumps to four million by 2045, nine years ahead of previous estimates.
大都会温哥华的人口预计每年增长50 000人,比以前的预测增加40%,到2045年达到400万人,比预期早9年。 Metro Vancouver's population is expected to grow by 50,000 annually, a 40% increase from previous forecasts, reaching four million by 2045, nine years earlier than anticipated. 大多数新居民将来自加拿大境外,预计2035年之后自然人口将下降。 Most new residents will come from outside Canada, with natural population decline expected after 2035. 该区域将建造21 000个新住房,每年增加22 000个就业机会,增加专业、技术、卫生和福利部门的就业机会。 The region will build 21,000 new homes and add over 22,000 jobs annually, with job growth in professional, technical, health, and welfare sectors.