马来西亚前第一夫人Rosmah Mansor因17项洗钱指控被判无罪。 Malaysian ex-first lady Rosmah Mansor acquitted of 17 charges in money laundering case.
吉隆坡高等法院宣告马来西亚前第一夫人Rosmah Mansor因17项涉及洗钱和逃税的指控而无罪。 The High Court in Kuala Lumpur has acquitted Rosmah Mansor, the former first lady of Malaysia, of 17 charges involving money laundering and tax evasion. 法官K. Muniandy驳回了指控,裁定指控有缺陷,没有明确说明她参与非法交易的情况。 Justice K. Muniandy dismissed the charges, ruling they were flawed and did not clearly specify her involvement in illegal transactions. Rosmah面临另一起案件,她被判犯有索贿罪,目前正在对10年监禁提出上诉。 Rosmah faces another case where she was convicted of soliciting bribes and is currently appealing her 10-year jail sentence.