马来西亚和中国同意联合运营定于2027年开始的665公里长的东海岸铁路连线。 Malaysia and China agree to jointly operate the 665-km East Coast Rail Link, set to start in 2027.
马来西亚和中国签署了一项合资经营协议,运营和维护东海岸铁路连线(ECRL),这是一条665公里长的铁路,连接东海岸各州和Klang河谷。 Malaysia and China have signed a joint venture agreement to operate and maintain the East Coast Rail Link (ECRL), a 665-km railway connecting the east coast states to the Klang Valley. 双方都将平等分担业务费用和风险,而马来西亚将保留大部分利润。 Both parties will share operational costs and risks equally, while Malaysia will retain majority of profits. 该项目已完成76%,旨在加强连通性和促进该区域的经济增长。 The project, 76% complete, aims to enhance connectivity and promote economic growth in the region. 火车服务将于2027年1月开始。 Train services are set to begin in January 2027.