Lexeo治疗学公司任命Kyle Rasbach博士为它的新首席财务官,负责指导金融战略。 Lexeo Therapeutics appoints Dr. Kyle Rasbach as its new CFO to guide financial strategies.
开发基因疾病治疗的公司Lexeo治疗公司已任命Kyle Rasbach博士为新的首席财务干事。 Lexeo Therapeutics, a company developing treatments for genetic diseases, has appointed Dr. Kyle Rasbach as its new Chief Financial Officer. Rasbach具有Zentalis制药公司和事件资产管理公司的生命科学背景,将有助于指导Lexeo的金融和商业战略。 Rasbach, with a background in life sciences from companies like Zentalis Pharmaceuticals and Eventide Asset Management, will help guide Lexeo's financial and business strategies. 该公司侧重于心血管疾病和阿尔茨海默氏病的治疗。 The company focuses on therapies for cardiovascular diseases and Alzheimer's.