法官拒绝了Robert Crimo关于排除2022年阅兵射击案向警方陈述的请求。 Judge denies Robert Crimo's request to exclude statements to police in 2022 parade shooting case.
伊利诺伊州瓦乌克甘的一名法官拒绝了Robert Crimo III的要求,即排除他在2022年高地公园游行射击后向警方所作的供述,当时他被指控杀害7人。 A judge in Waukegan, Illinois, has denied Robert Crimo III's request to exclude his statements made to police after the 2022 Highland Park parade shooting, where he is accused of killing seven people. 辩方辩称,他家人聘请的律师被拒绝接触,但法官没有发现任何胁迫或恐吓,Crimo放弃了保持沉默的权利。 The defense argued that a lawyer hired by his family was denied access, but the judge found no coercion or intimidation, and Crimo waived his right to remain silent. Crimo对多项一级谋杀罪指控表示不认罪,审判定于2月24日开始。 Crimo has pleaded not guilty to multiple first-degree murder charges, and the trial is scheduled to begin on February 24.