Juan Delgado因在2023年3月谋杀Jean Ortiz Rivera被判终身监禁。 Juan Delgado sentenced to life in prison for murdering Jean Ortiz Rivera in March 2023.
Juan Delgado因2023年3月在黎巴嫩对Jean Ortiz Rivera的一级谋杀被判处无期徒刑,不得假释。 Juan Delgado has been sentenced to life in prison without parole for the first-degree murder of Jean Ortiz Rivera in Lebanon in March 2023. Rivera在其作为关键证人的妻子面前近距离中了两枪。 Rivera was shot twice at close range in front of his wife, who was a key witness. Delgado逃离现场,但后来被查明并逮捕。 Delgado fled the scene but was later identified and arrested. 与凶器有联系的共犯作证说,Delgado供认了罪行。 An accomplice linked to the murder weapon testified that Delgado confessed to the crime.