印度法院下令学校重新接纳因非植物食品而被开除的学生。 Indian court orders school readmission for students expelled over non-vegetarian food.
Allahabad高等法院命令Amroha区法官在三名被驱逐的学生因带非植物食品而被解雇后两周内将他们送入另一所CBSE所属学校。 The Allahabad High Court has ordered the Amroha district magistrate to admit three expelled students to another CBSE-affiliated school within two weeks after they were dismissed for bringing non-vegetarian food. 法院的干预是在孩子的母亲提出请愿后进行的,她声称他们的受教育权受到侵犯。 The court's intervention follows a petition filed by the children's mother, who argued their right to education was violated. 案件定于2025年1月6日再次开庭审理。 The case is set for another hearing on January 6, 2025.