芬兰将2025年国防预算增加5.36亿欧元,达到65亿欧元,以支持北约的一体化。 Finland increases 2025 defense budget by 536 million euros to 6.5 billion, supporting NATO integration.
芬兰国防部已宣布2025年国防预算为65亿欧元,比本年度增加5.36亿欧元。 Finland's Ministry of Defence has announced a 2025 defense budget of 6.5 billion euros, a 536 million euro increase from the current year. 预算旨在加强国防能力,支持芬兰融入北约,预计支出将占该国国内生产总值的2.5%左右。 The budget aims to enhance national defense capabilities and support Finland's integration into NATO, with spending expected to account for about 2.5% of the country's GDP. 预算包括用于军事行动、飞机采购和新国防材料的资金,以及与北约成员国有关的费用。 The budget includes funds for military operations, aircraft procurement, and new defense materials, as well as costs related to NATO membership.