Dallas Cowboys' DeMarvion Oovershown 预计将从膝盖手术中完全恢复, 可能于2025年年中返回。 Dallas Cowboys' DeMarvion Overshown expected to fully recover from knee surgery, may return mid-2025.
达拉斯牛仔队后卫DeMarvion Overshown在成功修补三个颈部的膝盖手术后,预计将完全康复。 Dallas Cowboys linebacker DeMarvion Overshown is expected to make a full recovery after successful knee surgery to repair three ligaments. 起初,人们担心受伤者在整个2025年季节会离他而去,但小组现在希望他明年能中到晚返回。 Initially, the injury was feared to sideline him for the entire 2025 season, but the team now hopes he could return mid-to-late next year. 在受伤之前,Overshown有一个出色的赛季,在13场比赛中记录了90次球,五次球和一次拦截. Overshown had a standout season before the injury, recording 90 tackles, five sacks, and an interception in 13 games.