芝加哥白袜队与投手布莱斯·威尔逊签了105万美元的一年合同 The Chicago White Sox signed pitcher Bryse Wilson to a $1.05 million, one-year contract.
芝加哥白袜队签了 26岁的投手Bryse Wilson 一年合同 105万美元 The Chicago White Sox signed 26-year-old pitcher Bryse Wilson to a one-year, $1.05 million contract. 威尔逊拥有4.04 ERA 和5 -4记录 在上个赛季与密尔沃基兄弟会, 将竞争一个球队未定轮换的球位。 Wilson, who had a 4.04 ERA and 5-4 record with the Milwaukee Brewers last season, will compete for a spot in the team's unsettled rotation. 白袜队对投手的承诺有限 让威尔逊的加入 成为团队评估他潜力的机会 The White Sox have limited commitments to their pitchers, making Wilson's addition an opportunity for the team to evaluate his potential.