Bad Religion 将于 3 月 15 日在 Silverado 举办朋克摇滚音乐节,届时将有多场表演和精酿啤酒。 Bad Religion leads a punk rock festival in Silverado on March 15, featuring multiple acts and craft beer.
Bad Religion 将成为圣帕特里克节主题 Lucky Punks 的头条新闻! Bad Religion will headline the St. Patrick's Day-themed Lucky Punks! 3月15日在加利福尼亚州西瓦多举行节庆。 festival on March 15 in Silverado, California. 其他著名的表演包括 Dead Kennedys、The Aquabats 和 Street Dogs。 Other notable acts include Dead Kennedys, The Aquabats, and Street Dogs. 活动有两个阶段,没有重叠的组合,21岁及21岁以上者的手工艺啤酒和食品选择,包括素食选择。 The event features two stages with no overlapping sets, craft beer tastings for those 21 and older, and food options, including vegan choices. 详情及机票请访问 Punkinthe。 For more details and tickets, visit