机场正在使用量身定制的音乐,包括现场表演,以改善旅客情绪和减轻压力。 Airports are using tailored music, including live performances, to improve passenger mood and reduce stress.
机场现在优先安排背景音乐,以提高乘客体验,雇用当地音乐家和制作播放列表。 Airports are now prioritizing background music to enhance passenger experiences, hiring local musicians and curating playlists. 伦敦的希思罗机场和纳什维尔国际机场 都有现场表演 底特律地铁机场等其他机场 播放摩城的音乐 London's Heathrow and Nashville International airports feature live performances, while others like Detroit Metro Airport play genre-specific music like Motown hits. 音乐适合白天的时间和人口因素,以影响情绪,减轻压力和焦虑。 Music is tailored to times of day and demographics to influence moods, reducing stress and anxiety. 这既有利于旅行者和音乐家,也有利于提供有偿表演和增加接触,尽管一些欧洲机场已选择消除管线音乐。 This benefits both travelers and musicians, offering paid performances and increased exposure, though some European airports have opted to eliminate piped music.