一名20岁的摩托车手Devan Harper在Palo Alto的俄勒冈高速公路坠毁后死亡。 A 20-year-old motorcyclist, Devan Harper, died after crashing on Oregon Expressway in Palo Alto.
一名20岁的摩托车手星期一晚上在Palo Alto的Alma街的俄勒冈高速公路坠毁后死亡。 A 20-year-old motorcyclist died Monday night after crashing on Oregon Expressway at Alma Street in Palo Alto. 被确认为Devan Harper的骑手撞到路边,被送往当地一家医院,后来死亡。 The rider, identified as Devan Harper, hit a curb and was taken to a local hospital where he later died. 交通事故专家正在对坠机事件进行调查,公路被关闭4小时。 The crash is under investigation by traffic accident specialists, and the roadway was closed for four hours. 敦促证人与警方联系。 Witnesses are urged to contact the police.