美国公民试图与双胞胎出生后被遣送回墨西哥的家人团聚。 U.S. citizen seeks to reunite with his family deported to Mexico after birth of twins.
美国公民Federico Arellano Jr. 正试图与妻子Christina Salazar及四个孩子团聚, A U.S. citizen, Federico Arellano Jr., is trying to reunite with his wife, Christina Salazar, and their four children, including newborn twins, after they were unexpectedly deported to Mexico. Salazar和两名年龄较大的儿童正在等待移民听证,在Salazar有一个紧急剖腹产科之后,他们错过了这些听证会。 Salazar and the two older children were awaiting immigration hearings, which they missed after Salazar had an emergency cesarean section. 家人的律师声称他们在听证会上被误导,双胞胎出生时是美国公民。 The family's lawyers claim they were misled about the hearing and that the twins are U.S. citizens by birth. Arellano Jr.希望把他的家人带回美国,继续合法移民程序。 Arellano Jr. hopes to bring his family back to the U.S. to continue the legal immigration process.