联合王国电视执照混乱影响到43%的成年人,适当的取消需要表格和可能的访问。 UK TV licence confusion affects 43% of adults, with proper cancellation requiring a form and possible visit.
提供直播电视或使用BBC iPlayer所需的联合王国电视许可证费用169.50英镑,但Netflix或Disney+等其他服务则不需要许可证。 A UK TV licence, costing £169.50, is required for streaming live TV or using BBC iPlayer, but not for other services like Netflix or Disney+. 大约43%的英国成年人对其要求不清楚。 About 43% of UK adults are unclear on its requirements. 要取消合同,住户必须填写退款和取消申请表,电视许可证公司可以访问确认。 To cancel, households must fill out a refund and cancellation request form, and TV Licensing may visit to confirm. 如果电视机不再使用,或者许可证是在错误情况下购买的,而且根据未用月数全额计算,则有可能得到退款。 Refunds are possible if the TV is no longer in use or if the licence was bought in error, and are based on full unused months.