泰国电影《如何在祖母临死前创造数百万人》将历史作为泰国首次入选奥斯卡的入围短名单。 Thai film "How to Make Millions Before Grandma Dies" makes history as the first Thai entry shortlisted for an Oscar.
泰国电影《如何在祖母死前创造数百万人》被选入国际特色电影类第97届学院奖的短名单, 标志着泰国电影首次到达这个阶段。 The Thai film "How to Make Millions Before Grandma Dies" has been shortlisted for the 97th Academy Awards in the International Feature Film category, marking the first time a Thai film has reached this stage. 这部影片是新加坡最精华的泰籍电影, The film is the highest-grossing Thai movie in Singapore and the only Southeast Asian film on the list. 最后五名被提名人将于1月17日公布,3月2日颁奖仪式将举行。 The final five nominees will be announced on January 17, with the awards ceremony on March 2.