悉尼警方在一间公寓内捣毁了一起重大毒品行动,查获了神奇蘑菇并逮捕了四名嫌疑人。 Sydney police broke up a major drug operation in an apartment, seizing magic mushrooms and arresting four suspects.
悉尼警方拆除了一家住宅公寓中最大的魔术蘑菇实验室,逮捕了4名涉嫌供应包括魔法蘑菇、可卡因和甲基安非他明在内的各种药物的人。 Sydney police dismantled the largest magic mushroom lab found in a residential apartment, leading to the arrest of four individuals suspected of supplying various drugs including magic mushrooms, cocaine, and methylamphetamine. 这次行动是5月以来调查的一部分,缴获了100多袋神奇蘑菇和现金。 The operation, part of an investigation since May, resulted in the seizure of over 100 bags of magic mushrooms and cash. 所有嫌疑人均被拒绝保释,并准备出庭。 All suspects were refused bail and are set to appear in court.