警长办公室发现失踪的武装人员 桑德斯 安全无虞 他被送往医院 Sheriff's office finds missing armed man, Sanders, safe; he was taken to a hospital.
乔治敦郡治安官办公室报告说,失踪的46岁男子Saladean Raheen Sanders失踪,据信他携带武器,对自己和他人构成危险。 The Georgetown County Sheriff's Office reported a missing 46-year-old man, Saladean Raheen Sanders, who was believed to be armed and a danger to himself and others. 在涉及多个机构进行搜查后,桑德斯被发现安全,并被送往医院评估。 After a search involving multiple agencies, Sanders was found safe and taken to a hospital for evaluation. 警长办公室感谢公众的帮助。 The sheriff's office thanked the public for their assistance.