Sapiens为其高效承保Pro保险软件连续第三次获得XCelent奖。 Sapiens wins third consecutive XCelent award for its efficient UnderwritingPro insurance software.
Sapiens是一家为保险业制造软件的公司,为其承保Pro解决方案赢得了2024年XCelent奖,标志着其连续第三次获胜。 Sapiens, a company that makes software for the insurance industry, won a 2024 XCelent award for its UnderwritingPro solution, marking its third consecutive win. 该解决方案因其先进技术和全面功能而得到称赞,有助于保险公司简化承保程序,使其更有效率和效力。 The solution, praised for its advanced technology and full functionality, helps insurers streamline the underwriting process, making it more efficient and effective. Celent是一家研究公司,强调赞助商公司的案件管理和改进规则引擎是突出的特色。 Celent, a research firm, highlighted UnderwritingPro's case management and improved rules engine as standout features.